The Lizard-Men Of Alpha Astra

by Lin Davies 

Originally appeared in Planet Comics issue #3 in 1940.

Piloted by Capt. Dexter Ames, 21,000 A.D. outward-space Columbus, the rocket-ship lands on the mystery-planet of Astra, only to be overwhelmed by the rodent-faced Lizard Men,

Captain Dexter Ames caught his breath. The swirling vapors, miles in-depth, had blown clear, and through the transparent magnifying shield of the spaceship's control room, he could see the feared mystery planet straight ahead. He turned exultantly to the white-haired man beside him,

"There she is, Doctor! Just where the Observatory plotted her!"

Doctor Phillips smiled wistfully. "And you think we can succeed in finding the secret of Alpha Astra's control over the Sun?"

Ames clapped a hand affectionately on the older man's shoulder. "I hope so, for all our sakes." There was meaning in his voice, and unconsciously his gaze shifted to the slim figure of the girl who stood a few paces away, staring at the strange newly-discovered Alpha Astra, First of the Stars.

"There may be great danger ahead—dangers that we of Earth have never known," Dr. Phillips reminded the captain.

"We'll have to take our chances," said Ames soberly.

The Doctor turned to join Ames in an avid survey of the excellent star whose form grew in size even though the spaceship was coasting through the heavens. Now that they were getting close, young Captain Ames wished that Cara Phillips, the Doctor's daughter, was back on Earth, for the landing on Alpha Astra bade fair to be a memorable one.

He sounded the alert. "Stations!" he called through the control tube. "Prepare to land!"

As he adjusted his ray-pistol, the girl moved to his side. "Good luck, Captain."

"And to you, Cara," Ames rejoined. "Stay with the ship."

She nodded, her eyes troubled. Then Ames turned and took the controls himself for the landing. He shot the rocket ship into a narrow but straight canyon and set her down with hardly a jar.

The landing crew, led by Engineer Sept Morgan and Gunner Hatch, waited tensely behind the triple doors; Morgan opened a valve and held a mouse-cage up to the hissing vapor. The white mouse inside sniffed but continued to cavort.

"Atmosphere looks safe, but keep the air hoods ready!" called Ames, "Follow me!" He stepped upon the soil of Alpha Astra.

The air was clear and pure, The canyon seemed sliced by a god's knife, and sloping ledges offered a way to the top. He started up.

The ledge was vast; the slope was easy as he led his little party of explorers along with the gray, vegetation-less canyon, Ames began to plan a long search for the secret of the star—the strange force that Earth's scientists argued could subdue or intensify the heat of the Sun to lessen tropic heat and Arctic cold, and stop the series of earthquakes that were taking a heavy toll of life on Earth. But at the top of the canyon, after one glance down at the ship, he gave up all plans of further exploration,

"Morgan! Hatch!" he yelled. The urgency in his voice made them run to the dizzy edge.

Far below, a strange and horrible thing had happened. Even as the Earth-men watched, gliding shapes passed in and out of the spaceship's doors.

"They've captured the ship!" cried Hatch.

"And look at them!" gasped Morgan, "What are they? Captain, what in heaven's name are they?"

Ames brushed his hand over his eyes and stared. "They're Saurians," he said huskily. "Lizards. But look1they can walk upright! And—ah! Look! They're dragging Cara Phillips off!" He leaped back, pulled his ray-pistol, and dashed for the ledge. "Come on!" he cried.

Morgan and Hatch followed, and it was well for them. For behind them rose loud cries of terrible fear. Ames knew what had happened; some of his men had been seized by another bands of lizards.

But he dared not stop. His duty was to the ship. Like an avenging demon, he hurtled down the slope and leveled his raygun. Point-blank, he fired at the nearest slinking lizard. It collapsed with a whimpering cry, and Ames shuddered in amazement as he saw its half-human face.

Then Morgan and Hatch opened up, and Saurians fell in heaps. The doors yawned, and Ames burst in. He found a white-faced Doctor Phillips still in the control room.

"It was all so sudden!" whispered the ashy-faced Doctor. "I saw them take her—that way—"

Morgan burst in. "Everybody safe but the girl!" he cried. "And the boys have captured a lizard-man!"

Ames adjusted the precious aura-cap, jealously guarded thought transference marvel of Earth-rulers and Earth-police in a flash. "Let's see him," he said grimly. "He may not talk, but it won't be necessary."

The lizard was half-stunned, and crowded behind a welter of steel boxes and wedged bars. He whined when Ames spoke, cackling and muttering a weird gibberish. But Ames paid no heed. He adjusted the aura-cap to suck the thoughts of the scaly green head. Hardly was the aura-cap adjusted before he cried out in relief. "She's held prisoner, with the others! We can save them all!"

On the ground outside lay the still bodies of the lizard-men. Ames called for volunteers for the chase. For a moment, they hung back, "Come on!" he cried. "A woman's life hangs in the balance!"

Quickly twenty men stepped forward. Ames laughed harshly. "Here we go! Doctor, guard that door. Now, let's give it to them!"

They caught the lizard-men in a great cave, seated in a circle, thousands of them, mumbling and grunting in chorus, while green jaws gaped as a dozen guards held the struggling Cara Phillips and eleven of the space ship's crew.

Ames fired. But no lizard fell. He tried again. His men began to lag. "Come on!" he cried savagely and rushed at the screaming Saurians. At ten paces, he fired at the first attacking lizard, and this time the shot told. The beast writhed and fell. Behind him, the crew took to heart and rushed the cave. Lizards dropped by twos and threes, and soon the girl and the white-faced Earthmen were free.

The race back to the ship was touch and go, for the horde of lizards slithered swiftly at their heels. But once safe behind those doors, Dexter Ames slipped an arm over Doctor Phillips' shoulders and another around the waist of a trembling girl and said happily, "Well, we made it. And we haven't yet finished with the Lizard-men of Astra. Before we're finished, we'll unbear the secret of their world."